Bird Speech Training-Videos-CD

Speech Training for your bird is easy when you use any of the products below

Many bird owners want their birds to talk like a star. 
However without the help of video and other help media 
its hard to get your birds to talk the way you want. 
We recommend that you try out several tapes and videos.
Many tapes and bird training videos can help you with speech
training as well as ways to stop bird biting,stop feather plucking, 
stop bird screaming.

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Click on any item below to view


Price: 12.99
96 Songs, Tunes, Whistles & Rhymes
Price: 12.99
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Your bird can be quacking like a duck and waking you up in the morning with a Cockle a-doodle-doo
Price: 12.99
This CD includes a classic Pirate voice with many phrases like, "Aye Aye Captain!" "Shiver me Timbers,"
Price: 12.99
It's easy to teach your bird to speak with a genuine Australian outback accent
Price: 12.99
Now you bird can say all the latest and greatest words and phrases in Espanol
Price: 12.99