Infertility Symptoms

Before Getting Pregnant? Take A Look At Infertility Symptoms 
by Esther Ledger

Before Getting Pregnant? Take A Look At Infertility Symptoms 

More and more young, healthy married couples are thinking of having a baby since most of them have been married over a year. With such strong and healthy bodies, the thought of female infertility has not crosses their minds until their doctor confirmed the diagnosis.

Although most of the lab’s test that came back indicates that the male might not be the one having infertility issues, often it is the female may are having this problem. In spite of this, female infertility may seem a sharp blow in the face but as their doctor explained. It is not the end of their planned chapter on parenthood; in fact it is just the beginning of a new chapter.

Many of the causes of female infertility are treatable. You and your partner may also consider other options, such as adoption or foster care of children. In fact the issues involved with female infertility are far more complex than male infertility. After discovering that it is a female infertility issues, he or she may take a detailed study of the medical and family history to find out if there were any other symptoms. Symptoms he found were:

The main sign of this problem is irregular or absent periods.

With very few females experiencing a full 28-day cycle; many have their menstruation once a couple of months. It is considered to be abnormal if it is less than 24-days or more than 35-days.

Not having regular ovulation

Calculating when she ovulates is very important as it can prevent female infertility. As there is usually a 24 hour window period where she is most fertile. Never assumes that when a woman is menstruating, she must be ovulating. In actual fact, not all women ovulate every cycle.

Family History

>From your family tree, you may found out that your mom had trouble conceiving you, this may give you a higher chance of female infertility.

Your age matters

Whether the women is 35 or 40, it does not make them infertility individuals. It all depends on the eggs that they produce, however their egg production declines during the mid-30s. This will lead infertility issues as compare to women in their early 20s.

Stress - Heahlty or Unheathly to your pregnancy

The question of why is this happening to me cause lots of couples to undergo stress and emotional pressures trying to get themselves pregnant. We should not take things for granted, thinking that it is easy to have babies. What we have planned so far may not turn out well. Mentally preparation is often the best bet to fight infertility.

If you want to make conception harder, then you should start punishing yourself by asking those self-blaming questions. Otherwise, please do not torture yourself. Medical science are so advanced that more and more miracle babies are being born yearly.

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Article Source: Before Getting Pregnant? Take A Look At Infertility Symptoms