Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Pad

Saves Leaking Breast Milk
by  Milkies
Item# : LDDMM
Availability :  Available
Shipping Message :  Free Economy Shipping

Milkies has the only Milk-Saver on the market.

This patented design allows you to breastfeed anywhere without worrying about embarrassing leaks or uncomfortable nursing pads. Slim and portable, no one will even know you are wearing it. Best of all — it collects your leaking breast milk when you nurse, allowing you to store extra breast milk effortlessly.

At Natural Mom & Baby, we care about the safety of the materials that make up the products we offer.

The Milk-Saver has been rigorously tested to ensure zero chemical leaching and contains no BPA or phthalates.

Check out the Test Report to learn more.

Milk Saver Image As an environmentally conscious business, we give breastfeeding moms an alternative to disposable products. The Milk-Saver has exceeded all expectations for functionality and simplicity. It has received accolades from lactation specialists, pediatricians, and breastfeeding moms the world over.

Milk Saver ImageThe Milk-Saver makes the perfect baby shower/new mom gift. Or get one for yourself.

The Milk-Saver helped me save more milke very easily A gret
for me as a working mom

How Does the Milk Saver Work

This patented design allows you to breastfeed anywhere without worrying about embarrassing leaks or uncomfortable nursing pads. Slim and portable, no one will even know you are wearing it. Best of all — it collects your leaking breast milk when you nurse, allowing you to store extra breast milk effortlessly.

The milk-saver is easy to use; simply slip into your bra-cup on the non-nursing side before you breastfeed. The milk-saver collects the breast milk that is leaked out when your milk lets down. You can store this milk and save it for any time its needed.

Breastfeeding is something to be proud of. The milk-saver makes it easy. The patented slim design makes the milk-saver nearly imperceptible when worn. A stylish and durable case keeps your milk-saver safe and clean when you're on the go.

The benefits of breastmilk:

Breastfeeding is the best way to nourish a baby. The “Gold Standard” for infant nutrition, it’s free of contaminates, always the right temperature and gives baby exactly what his body needs to grow and thrive. Most people are aware of the health benefits of breast milk, yet only about a quarter of babies are still breastfed at six months.

Like the rest of us, moms are influenced by what they see and hear everyday. If their friends and family encourage breastfeeding, they will likely breastfeed. If infant formula is acceptable in their family and peer group, they will likely breastfeed for a very short time, if at all. Many people support breastfeeding but may feel uncomfortable discussing it because breasts are so sexualized in our culture.

Research shows that a pregnant mom’s and her partner’s level of commitment to breastfeeding are the best indicators of her success at breastfeeding for her baby’s first year of life. This may seem like an obvious connection, but the important message is: When a family commits to breastfeeding, challenges are speed bumps; not stop signs. (“Families” refers to any group of people with close and constant contact; not necessarily related.)

Some of the benefits of breastfeeding:

  • A breastfed baby is good for the family budget. Breast milk is always free and acts as baby’s first immunization, making him more likely to fight off illnesses that come his way. A healthier baby accumulates fewer doctor bills and prescriptions and requires parents to take less time off from work to care for a sick child. Breastfeeding requires no equipment to purchase and carry around.
  • Breastfeeding moms are happier and report fewer incidents of post-partum depression. They also lose their baby weight quickly, and keep it off due to a higher metabolic rate.
  • SAT’s may be a long way off, but you are helping your baby build a higher IQ and better eyesight with components only found in breast milk.

Support for breastfeeding moms

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to breastfeed lies with mom. But she has many factors influencing her choice, her family and friends have the power to support or sabotage her breastfeeding experience. (If you are an expectant mom reading this- I hope this information strengthens your resolve to breastfeed. Print this article and give it to the important people in your life so they realize their role in your success as a breastfeeding mom.)

Do you qualify as an “Influence on Breastfeeding Success”? If you spend any time in the same room as new or expecting mom, you can influence her decision to breastfeed. This includes co-workers, family members and friends. We all benefit when a baby is breastfed. We should all take the responsibility to support and encourage moms to breastfeed for the first 12 months (as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics). Breast milk is a dynamic fluid that actually changes to meet the nutritional needs of a growing baby. It’s the perfect food for baby’s first year.

Here are a few simple strategies to support the breastfeeding mom in your life:

  • Learn about breastfeeding together. Talk with other moms who have breastfed. Find and share positive stories about breastfeeding. Take a class together. Help mom commit to breastfeeding before the baby is born, as this increases her chances of sticking with it through any challenges that may occur.
  • Be understanding and supportive, encourage her to keep at it and that you are proud of her commitment. If you work with a breastfeeding mom, allow her take time to express breast milk whenever she needs it. Breasts don’t stop making milk because she is at work. She needs to pump approximately every 2-4 hours. Tell your co-worker you understand and support her decision to breastfeed.
  • Help mom ignore negative comments she might hear about breastfeeding.
  • Take baby for a walk. Use a sling or baby carrier to wear your baby, close contact is comforting for the baby and helps you bond.
  • Bring mom the baby at night so she doesn’t have to get out of bed. You will be her hero!
  • Take the other children out to play. It will make them feel special while giving mom time alone with the baby.
  • Encouraging words are important. Tell her: “I’m so glad you are breastfeeding our baby.” or “You’re such a good mom!”

The wonderful benefits of breastfeeding travel out like ripples on a pond. The baby is in the center, then the family, then to the edges of the globe. Don’t underestimate your power to make the world a better place through kind words and encouragement to the new and expectant mothers in your life.

The Milk Saver

Slim and portable, no one will even know you are wearing it. Best of all - it collects your leaking breast milk when you nurse, allowing you to store breast milk effortlessly.

    • BPA and phthalate-free
    • Independently tested to ensure zero leaching
    • Includes a sturdy case for travel and storage

Only $29.00 (Includes Free Economy Shipping in the contiguous 48 States)

For Super Savings...

The Milk Saver Two Pack

We’re pleased to offer a discounted two-pack of Milk-Savers to allow mothers to have more than one Milk-Saver for collection convenience, or to share with a nursing friend.

    • BPA and phthalate-free
    • Independently tested to ensure zero leaching
    • Includes a sturdy case for travel and storage (one each)

Only $48.00 (Includes Free Economy Shipping in the contiguous 48 States)

Breastfeeding Basics:

Breastfeeding : The Basics

Breastfeeding : The Basics

Breastfeeding : The Basics
As a new mother, one of the best things that (only) you can do for your baby is to breastfeed for the first year of his or her life. Breastfeeding is more than a lifestyle choice — it is an important health choice. Any amount of time that you can do it will help both you and your baby. While breastfeeding isn't the only option for feeding your baby, every mother has the potential to succeed and make it a wonderful experience. Use our resources to find out how breastfeeding can be one of the most important things you do for both you and your baby!

Nearly every nursing mother worries at one time or another about whether her baby is getting enough milk. Since we can’t measure breast milk intake the way we can formula intake, it is easy to be unsure about the adequacy of our milk supplies. The perception of insufficient breast milk production is the most common reason mothers give for weaning or early introduction of solids or supplements. Although there is a very small percentage of women who can’t produce enough milk no matter what they do, this is very rare.

The first thing to determine is whether your supply is really low or not. There is a tendency for a nursing mother to blame everything on her breast milk. Be careful not to get into the habit of attributing everything your baby does to nursing. All babies, formula or breastfed, have laid back, easy and fussy days.

Many mothers worry about inadequate milk supply if:

  • The baby nurses often, or seems hungry soon after being fed. Remember it is normal for babies to feed often. They have a strong need to suck, and love to be held close. Breast milk digests faster than formula, so nursing babies tend to eat more often. The baby will nurse more frequently during a time of rapid growth and not seem satisfied. After nursing frequently on demand for a few days, most babies will level off and go back to their old schedule.
  • The baby spends less time at the breast, he takes one breast rather than both at a feeding, or your breasts feel softer and don’t leak as much as they did in the early weeks of nursing. These changes are normal and just mean your body is adjusting your supply to meet your baby’s needs.
  • You compare your baby’s nursing patterns, weight gain, or sleep habits to other people’s babies, or even your previous baby. Remember each baby is an individual, and the same rules don’t apply to everyone, just as the same rules don’t apply to formula-fed and breastfed babies.

If your baby is losing weight or not gaining rapidly enough, you need to determine why your milk supply is low, and take steps to increase it.

The following factors can contribute to an inadequate milk supply:

  • Not getting enough sucking stimulation. A sleepy, ill or jaundiced baby may not nurse vigorously enough to empty your breasts adequately. Even a baby who nurses often may not give you the stimulation you need if he is sucking weakly or ineffectively.
  • Being separated from your baby or scheduling feedings too rigidly can interfere with the supply and demand system of milk production. Nursing often is the best way to increase your supply.
  • Limiting the amount of time your baby spends at the breast can cause your baby to get more of the lower calorie foremilk and less of the higher fat content hindmilk.
  • If you are ill or under a lot of stress, your milk supply can decrease. Hormonal disorders can also cause problems. Many mothers find their supply goes down when they have a cold, or when they return to work.
  • Using formula supplements or pacifiers regularly can decrease your supply. Babies who are full of formula will nurse less often, and if you need to supplement with formula, try to pump after feedings to give your breasts extra stimulation.
  • If your nipples are very sore, pain may inhibit your letdown reflex, and you may also tend to delay feedings because they are so unpleasant. See your doctor or lactation consultant for causes and treatment.
  • Previous breast surgery can cause a low milk supply. Generally, breast implants or breast biopsies cause fewer problems than breast reduction surgery.
  • Taking combination birth control pills (those containing both estrogen and progesterone) and getting pregnant while nursing can alter your hormone levels and cause a decrease in your supply. Smoking heavily, and taking certain medications can also adversely affect your supply.

If your milk supply is low, here are some suggestions to increase it:

  • Monitor your baby’s weight often, especially in the early days and weeks. In general, the longer your supply has been low, the longer it will take to build it back up.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat well and drink lots of fluids, usually 6-8 glasses a day. Don’t try to diet while you are nursing, especially in the beginning while you are establishing your supply. You need a minimum of 1800 calories each day while you are lactating, and eating high quality foods and limiting fats and sweets, will help you lose weight.
  • Offer both breasts at each feeding. Try “switch nursing”. Watch your baby as he nurses. He will nurse vigorously for a few minutes, and then start slowing down and swallow less often. Try switching him to the other breast as soon as his sucking slows down. This switch nursing will ensure that he receives more of the higher calorie hindmilk, while also ensuring that both breasts receive adequate stimulation.
  • Try massaging the breast gently as you nurse. This can help the rich, higher calorie hindmilk let down more efficiently.
  • Make sure that you are using proper breastfeeding techniques. Check your positioning to make sure that he is latching on properly. If the areola is not far enough back in his mouth, he may not be able to compress the milk sinuses effectively in order to release the milk.

Your baby’s health:

The most important thing to consider when dealing with an infant who is not gaining weight is your baby’s welfare. You need to work closely with his doctor, and monitor his weight carefully. It is often necessary to supplement with formula while you are working to increase your supply. Often, supplementing with formula is just what you need to put weight on the baby quickly so that he can nurse more vigorously and effectively. Once your baby is gaining weight appropriately, you can go back to nursing totally at the breast again. Don’t be afraid to use a bottle or supplement with formula if that is what works for you and your baby.
Breastfeeding : The Basics

Breastfeeding : The Basics

Breastfeeding : The Basics

Breastfeeding : The Basics

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