Bird Shower Perch small

Adjustable Bird Shower Perch for all cockatiels,conures,small parrots.
by  sandy perch
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Item# : smallshower
Availability :  In Stock, Ready for immediate shipment.

Small Bird Shower Perch 

Great safe shower perch by Sandy Perch.
Simply sticks to shower wall with strong suction cups.

Swings/swivel away flat when not in use. 

Also conditions the nails and beaks while the bird has fun in the shower with you. 

Small: 13 inches long, 1 inch diameter perch Small: Conures,cockatiels,quakers,sm parrot

Pick colors at top of page

There are several different colors in each shipment, Choices are in the color range
There may be several variations of colors in the same range.

Blue-ish, in the blue range
Green-ish in the green range
Beige-ish in the beige, natural or tan color ranges
However if color indicated is not available, colors shipped will be at shippers choice.
Also if color is not indicated by customer , the shipper will ship colors available
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