Premium Factory Straightened Rattan

The very best rattan availabale in the United States. Manal rattan is denser and stronger than any of the other commercially sold rattans. All rattan is premium factory straightened rattan. We will cut to order and give you the size that you are looking for. We will beat anyone’s prices on retail and wholesale premium factory straightened manal rattan.... We will not carry sub standard economy rattans but will price our rattan to match and beat the low priced, low quality competition. We have been selling rattan since 1988. We know good rattan and will not give you anything less than the best! All of the staves are at least 9 foot long. Our staves are 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" in diameter.
Available in RedPrice: 32.0
36 inch SWORD LENGTH RATTANPrice: 12.0On Sale: 10.0
Price: 12.0
We will cut this in 3 sections unless you ask for it whole.Price: 25.0
Single Stave of Manal Rattan cut into 3 sectionsPrice: 20.0
2 Staves for only $40!!! (cut into 3 sections each)Price: 40.0
25 Staves of Manal RattanPrice: 500.0On Sale: 475.0
50 Staves of Manal RattanPrice: 1000.0On Sale: 925.0
100 Staves of Manal RattanPrice: 2000.0On Sale: 1800.0
200 Staves of Manal RattanPrice: 4000.0On Sale: 3500.0
Mention diameter preference when ordering....Best of both worlds. Manal rattan . Whu-BAMMM!Price: 42.0
Price: 83.0
Buy in bulk and save. Much stronger and sharper design than the old plastic design.Price: 1450.0On Sale: 1000.0
2 of our hard hitting Mace heads at a discount. One for you; one for your squire...Price: 38.0On Sale: 36.0
Great weight and period look! Crushing skulls was never so easy!- "Billie Mays"Price: 19.0
Double Headed Rubber Axe HeadPrice: 85.0
Single Headed Rubber Axe HeadPrice: 80.0
Low ProfilePrice: 28.0
Great for a pole ax or large single handed weapon. 12.5 inch head will crush your enemy's grape...(without really hurting them)Price: 55.0
Comes complete with PVC end caps, hook attachment and nylon reinforce.Price: 50.0On Sale: 48.0